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Performance Designs Valkyrie



Performance Designs Valkyrie


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All Zero-P Valkyrie $3,495.00 USD – Hybrid Valkyrie (sail) $3,820.00 USD

All Zero-P Valkyrie

Recently field research has revealed shocking info:  an overwhelming majority of high-performance canopy pilot skydivers enjoy spending time in freefall.  Niche market, but we gave it a go.  The Valkyrie’s no one-trick pony (it’s not a pony at all; we don’t sell ponies), built only for comps and sub-terminal openings.  Take it to terminal, and like everyone who’s jumped it before you, be rendered speechless by its superb openings. You’ll find your voice again when someone asks you how fun it was to fly.  Whether you’re filming tandems all day, dedicated to perfecting your swoop, or flocking with your friends, you are going to seriously LOVE flying this canopy.

Hybrid Valkyrie (Sail)

Loved your Valkyrie, but looking for more?  We told you you’d be in love–its openings, the power, the responsiveness– and now you want more.  Got it. Introducing sail fabric in the ribs. More power, more responsiveness, more toggles, and longer swoops than a standard Valkyrie.  Just kidding, still just two toggles. More is almost always better.  It’s definitely better when it means extra sensitivity in the harness, and more stopping power than ever before.  Even if it’s your first time flying a Valkyrie, sail ribs are still available to you on your custom wing. Do keep in mind, sail ribs also mean more pack volume, but only by about half a  size in comparison to the all ZP Valkyrie. The overall lifespan of the canopy is still similar to that of an all ZP-wing. Since we all agree more is better, why not get two?


  • 7-Cell Canopy
  • Sizes 67, 71, 75, 79, 84, 90, 96, 103
  • Inflatable stabilizers/wingtips
  • Tail ribs
  • Zero Porosity (ZP)
  • Hybrid Sail Material
  • Orange Vectran lines
  • Collapsible channel slider and/or RDS slider


  • NOT intended as a first cross-braced canopy
  • Highly responsive to all inputs
  • Powerful rear riser performance
  • Great stopping power/shut down
  • Smooth openings


  • HIGHLY experienced cross-braced canopy pilots
  • Expert canopy pilots
  • Getting back from long spots
  • Camera flyers
  • Terminal and Sub-terminal deployments
  • Individuals looking for a high performance canopy for competition
  • Individuals who have mastered their current cross-braced canopy and are looking for the next step in performance


*Numbers are the Recommended Maximum Exit Weight in pounds / (KG) for that skill set


Additional information

Weight 7 kg
Dimensions 6 × 6 × 6 cm