Today’s wingsuiters have flocked (8 out of 10 puns are absolutely intended) towards larger and larger suits, resulting in deployment problems due to larger burbles….that is, until the release of the HORIZON, PD’s first wingsuit-specific canopy. Eliminating burble-worries (try explaining that phobia to your therapist), this canopy will be the drama-free conclusion to your wingsuit flight. All that and you still get incredible flare and responsive handling. Best of all, no need for a second wingsuit container–the Horizon packs up small, giving you the option of upsizing (up to two full sizes compared to a non-crossbraced ZP main) on the same rig. All solution, no sacrifice.
- Sizes 120, 135, 150, 170, 190
- 7-cell canopy
- Hybrid construction of PD’s proprietary low-bulk 30 denier fabric with ZP leading edge and center cell top skin
- Packs up to two sizes smaller than a non-crossbraced ZP main
- HMA and Vectran
- Soft, reliable openings even with larger wingsuits
- Fun to fly with responsive handling
- Best-in-class flare power!
- Wingsuit flyers who want to put a larger canopy in their current container
- Those who want an easy “off” button to wingsuiting
- Wingsuiters who want a reliable opening without sacrificing a powerful flare
*Numbers are the Recommended Exit Weight Range in pounds (KG) for each skill set
**Exceeding Max Recommended Weight could result in shorter canopy life span, greater sensitivity to wingsuit burble, and reduced landing performance